Channel: Flowering Heart 플라워링하트
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: magic플라워링 하트어린이flowering heart플로링하트꿈러브라이브플라워링하트마법소녀아이돌학교마술tween anime마법floweringheartanispelltween animationgirl animationgirl애니tweenlove live변신 소녀변신여아 애니메이션animation for tweens직업직업체험anime
Description: Ari's Dad gives her free tickets to the amusement park, so she invites the girls to join her. But when she arrives at the gate, she realizes that she lost the tickets. Just as she starts to cry, a staff member comes to the rescue and they're allowed to enter. The friends return the favor by dressing up in animal costumes for the staff member when his original part-time workers were running late. 🌸 Click here to subscribe our channel : 🌸 Click here to watch more videos of Flowering Heart :